Corporate Design


MSE red

If you are using MSE red for your typeface (Arial, or Akkurat for printed matter), the RGB-Code is as follows: R: 218 / G: 0 / B: 86. For more see CI-CD Manual on page 3.


See CI-CD Manual for logo use on pages 4 to 6:

  • Wherever possible use the standard NCCR logo in colour on a white background. It is usually placed in the top left corner of a document.
  • Alternatively, there are tow other logo versions:
    - In black & white (for dark backgrounds).
    - And negative (when placed on pictures).
  • This three in one logo (SNSF, UniBas, ETHZ) is compulsory for any public document and has to be placed at the bottom (left corner).

Other Downloads

  • The QR-Code can be placed on any public document and will lead users of electronic devices directly to our homepage (
  • Check the CI-CD Manual for more details regarding all these templates and logos.


Almudena Gallego, Data Manager