Scientific Ethics in Times of Pandemic

Together with our Ethics Think Tank partners, Pontifical Academy for Life, Rome and Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital, Rome, the NCCR MSE is happy to invite you to our online ethics seminar "Scientific Ethics in Times of Pandemic".

The goal of this event is to analyze and discuss from a scientific, philosophical and religious point of view the effects of the pandemic on patterns and conditions for ethical discourse within the scientific settings. There will be a total of four presentations, followed by a virtual round table discussion in which each participant can share their experiences and concerns regarding ethical decision making amidst the current crisis.

All NCCR MSE members, friends and colleagues are invited to participate. Please share this information with other members of your team.


Wed, 24 February 2021
13:00 – 17:00


Since this is a Zoom event kindly note that registration for the seminar is free but mandatory so that we can send the seminar link in time.

For registration please click here. Registration is open until 22 February 2021.

NCCR MSE PhD students wishing to receive an ethics credit point may indicate so on our online registration form. We will contact you separately with further details.

Please note that the complete program will be recorded and posted on our various social media channels including the NCCR MSE Homepage.


Wednesday, 24 February 2021

13:00 - 13:45
I and You: intersubjectivity and the role of the "other" in times of crisis. How the choice of our dialogical attitude affects our view of the world  - and our scientific work.
Presenter: Ralf Stutzki, PhD MA, MA
Head of Ethics NCCR MSE

13:45 - 14:30
Dealing with lab work and scientific collaboration in pandemic times. Going from the experimental setup to practical experimentation and scientific publication: the good and the bad of this historical period.
Presenter: Claudia Compagnucci, PhD
Molecular Genetics and Functional Genomics, Area of Genetic Research and Rare Diseases, Bambino Gesù Children Hospital

14:30 - 15:15
The ambivalent role of the scientist in the current political decision-making process. Strength and limits of scientific knowledge, its perception by the general public and its influence on public debate.
Presenter: Prof. Dr. med. Carlo Casalone, professor of Moral Theology and Bioethics, coordinator of the Scientific Section of the Pontifical Academy for Life

15:15 - 16:00
Ethical implications of online communication: why fast, short and convenient forms of digital interaction may lead to reductionism, oversimplification and reduced transparency.
Presenter: Prof. Msgr. Renzo Pegoraro, MD, Chancellor, Pontifical Academy for Life in Rome

16:00 - 17:00
Virtual round table discussion


Ralf Stutzki, Head Ethics