"Ethics on Site" (EoS) is a seminar for PhD- and postdoc students participating in the NCCR Molecular Systems Engineering and serves a threefold purpose:
The seminar starts on 20 February 2019 and will usually be held on Wednesdays from 10.15 to 12.00 at Mattenstrasse 24 A (Rosental), building 1095, room E00.012. On a few dates the course will take place "on site" (excursions in Basel and Zurich). Starting time and weekday then may vary.
Course work includes:
EoS allows students to earn one credit point.
If you are enrolled at the University of Basel, you will have to register for this seminar via MONA.
Students enrolled at a different institution will receive a letter of confirmation upon completion.
More info for NCCR MSE Fellows can be found here.