Ethics on Site

"Ethics on Site" (EoS) is a seminar for PhD- and postdoc students participating in the NCCR Molecular Systems Engineering and serves a threefold purpose: 

  • Raise the students' awareness of the ethical dimension of their research work (scientific integrity)
  • Target the fields of ethical conflicts within and outside the students’ research and scientific surroundings
  • Raise the student’s awareness about ethical aspects of the implementation of research (breaking new grounds/raising new dilemmas)

Ethics on Site 2019

The seminar starts on 20 February 2019 and will usually be held on Wednesdays from 10.15 to 12.00 at Mattenstrasse 24 A (Rosental), building 1095, room E00.012. On a few dates the course will take place "on site" (excursions in Basel and Zurich). Starting time and weekday then may vary.

Course work includes:

  • Attendance
  • 4 pages essay dealing with the ethical dimension of the student’s scientific involvement in the NCCR MSE 
  • 10-minute oral presentation discussing challenges and possible content of a Code of Molecular Systems Engineering Ethics (COMSEE) to be developed for this NCCR

EoS allows students to earn one credit point.


If you are enrolled at the University of Basel, you will have to register for this seminar via MONA.

Students enrolled at a different institution will receive a letter of confirmation upon completion.

Ethics On Site

More info for NCCR MSE Fellows can be found here.